
Outcast nobody wants

I’m an outcast
wait no I take that back I’m so pitiful that even the outcasts don’t want me it’s a sad world I live in I’m being tortured for being me for having feelings for even existing oh but aren’t we all in a way outcasts in this left alone all by yourself world but
for some of us we actually do feel nothing but pain and let me tell you something it just sucks to be  me and this place is full of it it’s just were people don’t care but just so you
don’t do something risky they say they care and they say there here to help so you can meet your full potential the real reason they make these places are because they don’t think your fit for society anymore you’re pointless to them they need  people who can and will make something out of themselves even if it’s just a stay at home mom with two kids who are amazing students and always follow orders and are never getting anything lower than 100%on everything but what mommy and daddy don’t know is that there perfect little girl is going to get into some trouble she was just looking for something to do one night and then she meets this guy who is nothing but trouble she says she needs to be home by 10 so she can study for at least two hours but he has other plans he sees her evil he sees her potential to do bad but it’s not always that bad she gets a family in the end but this time its backwards this time she goes out every night until early morning to dance on a pole to make enough money to pay the rent and her kids are barely getting a C in all of their classes but that’s just exactly how you ended up here where you can’t leave because you’re mom wanted something better for her little angel she wants you
to have the life she had before she ever met daddy your here for a reason and it’s not so they can help you  so they can hide you from society until you’re gone and no one cares because not even the outcasts want you anymore

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