Caricamento in corso...

A Lover's Gift

A gift from one lover to another
A decoration of the wrist
And then rectified
In the center, a heart
One shimmering, spunky, spontaneous ribbon of gold
Tangled with a measured calm cord of green
Not usual colors to meet
The grey beads resemble a cat’s eyes
Always watching you
Trying to protect you
But never quite succeeding
The screaming skull to cross bones
A voice of reason
To keep the jewelry held on tight
Instead of dropping off, lost to the world
The strings of hemp that hold everything in place
Have separated once or twice
But have always been remade
To face eternity with certainty


This poem is about a bracelet that was given to me, I hope from my descriptions you can guess what it looks like. Probably not exact but the way I see it.

Altre opere di Katrina...
