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I see you better then anyone else

I see you better then any one else.
I see your fears and your douts
I see the hard times the struggles

I see the sleepless nights under your eyes.
I see the flames baured deep inside they can’t hiden or be Disguised
I know your failures and your let downs.
I can see the conflicting feeling running though your mind. that never seem to be confined.
I see the dazed look in your eyes every time you tell yourself fine.
I know that bitter taste left from the ashes and the sting of the sinders that remain I feel your temptation I know your shades of grey your hidden thoughts behind the aray none of your secrets are safe nor can they be earacsed non of your truths can be denied I see you better then anyone else for I am your reflaiction I am your  Disguise

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Altre opere di Katryna Hawkins...
