Caricamento in corso...

Silver Pen

She sat there with the words they call her carved on her arm.
Sitting on the cold bathroom floor she crys her eyes out
wondering why everyone hates her.
She doesn’t understand what,
She did to make them call her
Fat, stupid, ugly, worthless,
And a hopeless mess.
He wonders why shes never at school,
He notices her arm,
That explains it all.
He sits home wondering why,
Something so beautiful,
Does that.
He grabs the shiny silver
Thing he uses to write,
He starts to write hes feelings,
But it comes out red.
She comes to school,
Looking for the special boy.
“hmm hes not here”
“can you belive he did that!”
She hears people whispering.
“I see you everyday,
and wonder why you do that to yourself,
then I heard the words,
you get called,
I couldn’t handle,
The pain,
I love you”
She finds the note
In her locker,
She now knows why he isn’t here.

