
Mirror Image

I think this is every Christian's dream at the end of the end of night

In the mirror’s the one
Who holds your heart
Shall they keep it
Or bid it fall apart
Within hands blackened
By crimson night?
For jaded wings can never take flight
Against a sky filled with broken shards
Scattered abroad be a church cathedrals gods
So, when you pray
What do you do it for?
What to you say
To such a wrathful Lord?
In the mirror’s the one
Who holds my heart
I cannot keep it
Without tearing it apart
So here I go
I toss it into the sky
Knowing those shards
Were made for me to die
But I see something beyond the harlot’s glass
The crimson stain
It is a Cross
Now I understand why
Jaded blood stretches across the sky
Dunked upwards in this cross I’ll be
After devil’s gods are done with me
It’s really not me that they kill
‘Tis just a shell, sad soul
My heart is pleasantly healed
For I gave it to the wrathful God
After I asked Him
Show me who You are
All my days I see His pool of blood
More than the gallon swimming in all of us
But red is not the color of love
It is the blue He sits above
In the mirror is the one
Who holds my heart
An invisible God
With blue law ne’er to part
To this wretched, weakened, dying branch
He has given holy hands
To say, “My beloved is Mine
Please stay within eternal vines”
To see my beaten self
With such a lovely King
Isn’t such a wrathful thing
In hands hammered by the blackened night
I am glad to make this sacrifice
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