
The Gap

an unfilled space or interval; a break in continuity...

On Wednesday....
We’re all at the GAP
I think that’s a fitting name
For a clothing store
At this point;
An empty space
Every single article of clothing we wear
Is bought because
We all work here.
We are thankful in our own ways
But a GAP
Is an empty space
And don’t you forget it!!!!
It’s where we once heard his stories
Listened to his music
We may or may not have been
Impressed with... whatever,
And laughed at his distinctly powerful
Memory to contain
Information he fetched from a book,
The internet, movies, music, someone’s words, life experiences, whatever
Because every last one of us had an
“I didn’t know that,” moment
At his arrival in our tunnel-vision atmosphere.....
We are tunnel vision for the very same reason
Why he knows so much
And believes so much
We may or may not agree with
We’re trying to run away from pain
And if he made you think
At anytime in your life
All it says to you and everybody else
He talked to
In this building is
That he’s not just learning
Of the world for himself
He needs to know too...
Because he’s Atlas
We’ve all been impressed, confused,
In awe, questioned, hurt, wondered
With, due to, at, because of his son
As we are all domino, standing on a smooth surface, compressed together until one topples
over the other
At a flick, a sneeze, a sigh, a mistake, a plan to succeed going south.....
We feel that in our world
And he will come into the globe
As a globe
To trot the globe
Who thinks like that?
To put a world
In a world
And watch it spin
As the world you live within
The world......
That forces noxious body shots in your veins
That burns its currency to protect you while
Your RNA structure deconstructs itself
Due to those noxious body shots
That burns chickens to protect the environment
From ethanol in its feces
Neverminding the fact that you can use it to make
The best manure for your crops
But what relevance is that when
Truckers are paid more to not deliver
Crop grown foods?
That has no qualms about using your
Organs for some wealthy tycoon
I can almost guarantee is a crime boss of some sort
Leaving no homage for the poor
Which is why you pay more for less spaghetti sauce
That will tell you!!!
There’s a time and place for a man to eat a man!
And that time really began a long time ago
We’re just stupid
Enough, lol... to classify food the way we want to.
RV’s don’t sound like a bad idea at all
They Really don’t.
It’s the driven reminder
That no one on this planet
Can really magnify your dreams
But fossil fuel.
For at one time, it was life, just like you: set to extinction before average expectancy
And all it wanted to do, was eat, sleep, have its own territory, discover, mate, breathe. Live.
And when the inevitable came....
The inevitable that these once
Fully capable, living breathing, creatures
Desired so much to avoid
They’d die leaving thick black organic
Aspects of themselves
You and I could spend the rest of our lives
Thriving on
So that we can continue to make things
Called The GAP
An empty space
That does well to keep you covered
Just the way you like.
If you like empty spaces that is.
I don’t. I really don’t.
I like clothing store names
Like Forever 21.....yeah......
Just because it says
And typically with forever
A foreverist will want to fill it
with something great.
That way, it will not be The GAP....forever.

definition taken from:

#dreams #gap #letitgo #pain #restructure #separationanxiety #spokenword

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