Caricamento in corso...


what would you do if forced to lie,
if you had to fight the urge to curl up and die,
if to fall asleep untouched was the dream never got,
and the secrets and shame made you start losing the plot.
what would you say to a child of three,
forced to touch something she’s not meant to see,
whose too young to escape him, to run and hide,
and too young to explain that he hurts her insides.
or to the child of four forced to suck Dick,
she knows that its wrong coz it makes her feel sick,
so scared of this she shuts her eyes,
so when wen she can’t answer a question,
they say that she lies.
would you move worlds to save her, regardless of cost,
or shun and disown her coz she’s messed up and lost,
would you delude yourself into thinking she’d lied,
coz to protect those she loved she chose to hide.
what would you say to the girl who had to choose,
if it was her or her sister who got the abuse,
who sacrificed so much for her family’s sake,
is that a choice you could ever make?
what about the eight year old whose slightly aware,
she knows that he shouldn’t be putting his Willy up there,
whose woken up nightly when he gives gives her a shove,
then he strips and lies on top of her too show her his “love”.
what would you say to her if only you’d known,
would reach out and tell her she wasn’t alone,
if faced with that problem what would you say,
“im sorry”? “i love you”? “i’ll make him pay”?
what of the child of ten who cries out for you,
no words to describe the ordeal she’s been through,
he enjoys being brutal and when gets her to yelp,
why don’t they listen when she’s cries out for help.
would you be angry at her for the secret she bared,
though she only stayed silent coz she was fucked up and scared,
would you judge her unworthy, unwanted, unclean?
would you have it in you to be that callous and mean.
what would you say to one so full of shame,
who fell asleep thinking that she was to blame,
that she deserved the pain from the bad things he did,
would you tear him apart for hurting your kid.
what would you do to make her well,
to stop her decent into addiction and hell,
to help her to heal and start making things right,
to stop her from crying and cutting tonight.
what would you do if it was you instead,
and all this bullshit is locked up in your head,
no one to talk to, no way to be free,
what would you do, if you were me?


If this should ever come to you,please dont see it as accusung,its not,its not an attack on you,

#Anger #Dark #Questioning

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