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The Forgotten Path

One walks down a lonely road
and what lies ahead of them is a fork of two paths
They stop
ponder over the various outcomes of either decision
One could lead to great fortune……
….the other to great sorrows
A one way ticket to sweet serenity……..
…….or a never ending vacation of chaos
There were many outcomes to take into consideration
Some for better …….. others for worse
However none shed even a sliver of light
to guide them down the path desired most
Instead, what was given to them was confusion
….uncertainty of the accuracy of their own thoughts
Totally dependent on the foreshadows that these two insignificant paths could reveal
Completely unaware of these visions independently blind siding them from what they truly desired
And so …..
out of impulse….
they chose, never to be heard from again
Just another simple traveler passing by
One walks down the same lonely road
And what lied ahead of them was the same fork of two paths
They didn’t stop
Had no time to waste pondering
They saw no use of wasting time
thinking of what could’ve been a miraculously gained fortune
…..or a devastating accumulation of sorrow
Instead, they made their own path
A  path that couldn’t be mislead by confusion
A path that didn’t foreshadow the possibilities
….but instead the certainties
A path that lead them to wherever they truly desired
Better known as The Forgotten Path.


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