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The Purpose of Spirituality vs The Purpose of Religion

Spirituality is the recognition that what we do in the here and now reverberates in a mirror dwelling that we will not experience fully until we have left the physical garment to explore the great beyond.  If our intentions are pure and we try to understand our world and do what we can to help our fellow man, the stronger our spirit will be in all of the worlds of God.

Religion is the guidebook, the instruction book, on how to live a good life, how to be good, in mind, in thoughts, in words, in deeds, in relating to others, and to society.

Like all good guidebooks, the knowledge contained is relevant to the time and place in which it will be used.  Thus the differing religions from differing places and times are merely one update, after another, after another, after another.

The Baha’i Faith is merely the next step in the evolution of humanity, at the very time it is most needed, to help us be better, to ourselves, to our friends, to our society, and to our planet.  Hasten to these Teachings, but only if you believe in our collective future, only if you want to do your part, and only if you want to be part of a community of people wanting to do the same.

The depth of the souls you will meet, the clarity of mind, the love, the joy, the laughter, all as equals, none leading, yet all serving, with a unique form and understanding of consultation, a unique structure to serve humanity, that is simple, flexible, and guided by the concept of serving each other every day, with love, sacrifice, and joy in our hearts.

There will be a day when this vision will become reality.  The old world is obviously flailing, thrashing around in its inevitable destruction.  Humanity will try, in its desperation to design a new form of society on its own.  Only then will the Beauty of a New World Order, revealed by Baha’u’llah, be fully understood and then implemented.

How much writhing pain, destruction, and mayhem will we have to endure, in order to reach these healing waters, and how long will it take, to cure the land, the resources, our structures, our festering wounds, once the teachings are embraced?

And what bright, beautiful future will we make, bringing in all the elements of reality from so many enlightened, wonderful souls, utilizing our hearts, minds, and visions to co-create together so many untold possibilities.
