Caricamento in corso...


To those who looked my past my mind and straight to my sex.

Mr. Crave, Mr.Crave
you are so blind
you tell silly lies
like you crave my mind
but you want my thighs
Mr.Crave, Mr.Crave
oh, yes you are brave
playing with my emotions
tugging at the only thing that hides
the rise of my breast
the curve of my behind
the arch of my back
the muscles of my stomach
and the tone of my legs
you seek what you crave
which lies between my thighs
you seek what you crave
and i tell no lies
Mr.Crave Mr. Crave
take a break from your taste buds and urges
my sex shouldn’t be so hot in your mind
Mr.Crave Mr. Crave
you are so blind
you don’t even see
that your wasting your precious time.
Altre opere di Loveless Beauty...
