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Ode to Summer

The sun, The beach, The blue water.
The people, The birds, The bugs.
All the things remembered about summer.
The way the sun radiates,
Giving away free tans.
The way the beach fills with people,
Packed like sardines in a can.
The cool, refreshing touch of the water,
Feels like lemonade on a hot day.
The friends and family gathering,
With no other place they’d rather be.
The birds chirping,
As if they sing the song of summer.
The bugs buzzing in ears,
But that doesn’t ruin anything.
Now the warm weather fades away,
Just like those beach body tans.
But still,
All the things of summer are remembered.


So I had to write this for a creative writing class and "publish" it on any website just to get feed back so here it is
