Caricamento in corso...


Do I really see what I think I see?
Is my mind playing tricks on me?
It can’t possibly be who I think I see!
Is that really who I think it is staring at me?
But, how can that be? How can I see, what I think I see?
There is no way he is looking at me!
Go on! Let me be! Get away from me!
You really don’t see what I think I see?
It must be my mind playing with me!
Oh wait... It really is him staring at me, that person is me, at least what I used to be.
Now I’m free, get away from me, let me be.
Can’t you see I’m better off with you gone from me?
Seriously, let me be.
Let me be the man I’m meant to be.
I can’t be with you following me.
Go away! Stay away!
Until that day I’m meant to pay, my fee, its not free, never will be.
Only thing it will cost is...


Altre opere di Liam Clarkson...
