
Life at the Top

I woke up this morning, I didn’t feel right,
I’d been tossing and turning with anguish all night.
I could not eat breakfast, just coffee and go,
This just wasn’t me, I felt tired and slow.
My days they are hectic. There’s no time to stop.
Filled with meetings and travel, that’s life at the top.
New York, and Tokyo, London, Hong Kong,
The business is thriving, it’s large and it’s strong.
I don’t know what’s happening, but something’s not right.
In the boardroom yesterday, I did get a fright.
I chaired the meeting, in my usual way,
And then it all changed, something happened that day.
As I sat in my chair and I looked round the room,
My chair started moving, I can only assume.
Can anyone see me? Does anyone care?
I was now floating back, upright in my chair.
The meeting carries on, everyone’s having their say,
They haven’t even noticed, that I’m floating away.
Does this mean I’m dying? Or have I already gone?
No, the meeting is in session they are still carrying on.
I close my eyes. My mind starts to roam.
When I open them up, I am sitting at home.
My life has been hectic, the hours are long,
But to build up the business, I’ve had to be strong.
I have now had a warning, and I must be aware:
Ease up a little, or float off in a chair.

Other works by Louise Turner...
