

A wonderful gift, when a child is born,
She is put in your arms, and you keep her warm.
You hold her hand, and she looks up at you,
The feelings, the love, are all coming through.
She’s helpless and fragile and needs lots of care,
And you suddenly realise you must always be there.
This precious bundle, you hold in your arms,
Must be cared for and loved, and come to no harm.
Rory bends down, he is so full of pride,
His beautiful daughter, a tear he can’t hide.
The nurse comes over, and takes Tess away
To check her and weigh her, make sure she’s okay.
One week later, at last, now I am at home.
With this precious, fragile baby to care for alone,
Rory’s at work. I don’t say a thing.
I am coping alone, I must not worry him.
Changing nappies, and feeding and bathing each day,
I am getting better, there is more time for play.
There’s cuddles and kisses and laughter galore,
As we both play together, down on the floor.
When Rory gets home, I can see in his eyes,
The love and the happiness he can’t disguise.
I go to the kitchen, to get him his tea,
When I come out, he has Tess on his knee.
Our home, it has changed, not quite as before;
A new kind of love has come through the door,
It is our precious Tess, who we both adore.
We will love her and care for her for ever more.

Other works by Louise Turner...
