Caricamento in corso...


in truth, all good things suffer the ravages of time
no bricks and mortar stands for an eternity,
though, in your heart a love will roam and periodically chime
all the pain and angst forgotten, that love will fly with impunity,
down through the sleek nuances of time
our love has crawled over rocks and broken glass,
past the detritus flung from yonder climes
steering away from the dirt and the grime,
past the cracks and the creaking flags
across the unmarked cross-roads, dimly lit,
to pull up on the drive of disdains desirable residence
the clothes wont fit though no one dares to say it,
when we first met all those years ago
I was a different man and you my different world,
you were a beacon to guide and to toss me a line
all that rubble, the dirt and grime of past loves,

Altre opere di Lowercasemmmmmm...
