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"By Lwazi Mtyida"

Our forefathers were living their life as servants
As a generation we live our life as servers,
Our forefathers sacrificed their lives for a better life of their families...
As a generation we put at risk our families life for fortune
We must stand for good and bad nor for worser
We must protect our universe’
We must saw the potentiality of confidentiality.
We must rise for powerless to powerful.
Unionship with companionship is much likely to success,
You divide less than with negative, you get greater than.
Forbid bad factors for good factors
Consciousness lead to luxurious
Our hearts, veins, nerves and cells reasoned for our bodies not for our souls and beings’
Our savour by thee thy lord and thy holy spirit
By thee father who ought us better living society.
We must appreciate our elderly paths and traditions…
These paths will lead our lives into incredible accessible solutions
These paths can not have us lost,
These paths we ought to keep them alive in life’s destinations.
Let’s live, enjoy and appreciate our beings at large.

I wrote this poems to emphasize the importance of obeying the rules, theories and laws that were made by our forefathers. As a human being we must obey to make a success of tomorrow, I also believe without doing so there might be no brilliant tomorrow to live.


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