Caricamento in corso...


for my mother

Your hands guided me though the darkness,
You helped bring me close to the light,
You would always catch me when I fell,
When my life was filled with pain,
You stood by me,
You helped keep me strong,
When I thought I had lost it all,
You showed me I hadn’t,
Though everything I did to hurt you,
The Spiteful actions and hateful words,
You stood strong,
I was broken early on,
But you helped rebuild that little girl,
Your love guided me back to reality,
I may never be whole again,
But I wouldn’t be where I am without you,
You have always tried to take my pain away,
You have always tried to carry my burden,
Thanks to you I am stronger,
I can carry my own pain,
The woman who gave me life,
Helped to save it once more.
We now act as we should,
Arguments over trivial life,
The complaints over the mess I leave,
The rudeness from your little girl,
The worrying if she is eating right,
If she has gotten home safe,
How her degree is going,
And no longer the worry,
If I am strong enough to deal with life,
Without your help,
These worries and silly fights,
Would never have happened,
I would still be shut away from the world,
Hiding from the light outside,
And you should always know,
Though all that darkness,
And now though my new life,
You are my mother,
My family,
You are my light,
When the road is dark,
You are my mother.


Altre opere di Lynsey...
