Caricamento in corso...


I speak about the darkness that we stumble around in daily
Not to scare you but so you know what lies beneath when times get hazy
I do believe in love, and life and all its beauty
But we must never forget life’s drama, it’s like a movie
Yes I think I’m here to help but I’m not the only one
You’re a hero, I want to tell you, but it always won’t be fun
This path is very narrow, Jesus said it clear
But while you’re igniting this darkness do not live in fear
We (most of us) want answers, we don’t know where to look
Take some time alone with you, look inside, read a book
Some will not understand this change to them it may seem “weird”
But if you’ve been looking for a sign, it’s these words, it’s right here
Altre opere di Makesense...
