Caricamento in corso...

Even if you never come back

(F. Galaz,2024)

Even if you never come back,
I’ll carry your letters in my wallet,
And smile remembering one of those
Jokes of yours.

Even if you never come back,
I’ll find you in the flowers,
In sunsets glowing with life,
In impromptu meals,
In the poems I stumble upon,
In the smile and kind words that
I’ll share to a perfect stranger.

Even if you never come back, I’ll find you in my new expressions, in my newfound love for cheese, in my passion for life, In my quest to understand it, and the word of God trying to explain it.

Even if you never come back,
I’ll sing and dance from the forefront,
Not as a spectator,
As I’ve learned from you.

Even if you never come back, I’ll take you along on my new adventures, you’ll run by my side even if it is not hand by hand, I’ll see life through my own eyes, but there will always be a bit of yours within them, I’ll wet my face every time I encounter a river, I’ll walk upon rocks and explore every detail.

Even if you never come back,
I’ll know what it is to love and be loved,
I’ll live my life to the fullest,
I’ll learn new recipes,
New cultures,
Kiss new lips,
Learn new languages.


Even if you never come back,
You’ll survive,
Cause you’ll live on through me.

Even if you never come back,
You’ll be with me,
Because you shine through
everything in what I’ve become.

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