
I Giorni

(F. Galaz, 2020)

I’m not sure if it happens to you sometimes, but when I step
into my garden at night and
gaze upon the sky, I get excited when I think that I have already seen that pale,
almost dying star, foretelling its
dreadful demise.
I contemplate it and lose myself
For a while, trying to find
Meaning in things.
I’m not sure if it happens to you sometimes,
But when I am into my garden
At night and look at the stars,
I get excited to think that everything
The sky tells us,
You’ve already seen a day before.
And then,
I like to believe that you’ve
Left a riddle in each star,
A message that only you and
I could comprehend.
And I look at them,
I close my eyes, and sometimes
I strain to see until
I understand that message
That only you know and is now
Also mine.
Perhaps it’s an “I miss you”,
Or a “I’ve forgotten you”,
Maybe it’s a “today I went to the museum
In the city center and
I’ve thought a lot about you”,
Or it could be, on the contrary,
an “A week ago while I listened
To Einaudi and the music
Filled my lungs,
Your memory came to mind”.
But it’s pointless to guess
What the message might be,
I could give it a bunch
Of meanings and in the end
None could be true.
I could also
Send you a message,
Maybe if you strain
Your eyes a little, you’ll
Understand it too.
I could, for example, tell you;
“Today I saw the stars and
I thought of us,
Of the dust and gas
Bound by gravity,
That you once explained to me and
Like that star I was telling you about,
We end up being one
More among so many extinct”.
I could leave you an “I love you”,
An “I miss you”,
Or perhaps a “today I saw the sun
And I thought of your smile and
Your curly hair that seems
Messy on purpose”.
But it’s pointless to send you
A message,
You could give it a bunch
Of meanings
And in the end, none could be true.
For now, I love you,
I love you even when
After all,
We are destined
Not to be.

Other works by Los versos que te dejé en la Luna...
