Caricamento in corso...

I had another nightmare

I had another nightmare,
It woke me with a fright,
I called out for my mummy,
In the middle of the night,
I heard her coming in to me,
As she crept up to my bed,
She whispered to me softly and stroked my little head,
The tears rolled down my cheeks,
As I told her my scary story,
About the monster under my bed,
He was big and fat and gory,
With goggly eyes like footballs,
And huge teeth in his jaws,
His hair looked like spaghetti,
And he had big black jagged claws,
His skin was wet and sticky,
He had spots all over his nose,
his chin was very wrinkled,
And he had very smelly toes,
His ears were very pointed,
his tail was long and hairy,
Dont you think this monster sounded,
“He said that he would eat me”,
I whimpered to my mummy,
“For breakfast, lunch and dinner”,
To fill his giant tummy,
My mummy pulled me close,
And told me not to be sad,
That my dream wasnt really real,
And that not all dreams are bad,
She gently took my hand,
And sat me on the floor,
We both looked under the bed,
The monster wasn’t there any more,
My mum had scared him away,
Never again to be seen,
She tucked me back in to my big boys bed,
Kissed me good night and said “sweet dreams”.........


Altre opere di Maria Wallis...
