Caricamento in corso...

It hurt

i remember it hurt
looking at all these people
and not being able to help them in any way
i remember thinking
i have nothing to offer to them
and that hurt
to feel useless
to feel so insignificant
in this great big world
it hurt
to just sit there
waiting for something to happen
when there are so many people around me
that aren’t happy with where they are
they aren’t happy at all
but in my mind
there wasn’t anything i could do about it
there was nothing at all
i was useless to these people
i had nothing to offer because
i was one person
and how could one person alone
do anything significant
and i was right, i couldn’t
but luckily i discovered
im not alone
god will always be there
especially when it hurts
Altre opere di Mariah Schwock...
