

And I know this is so wrong,
but the lust I feel when I stare into your eyes is something that keeps me awake.
The adrenaline of kissing your lips, knowing how wrong it is;
and the excitement I feel when you stare at my lips,
for the first time I’ve wished the night was endless.
I don’t remember anyone looking at me the way you do,
talking the way you do or describing life the way you do.
I wish I didn’t know the way you lie,
the way you don’t feel the same,
I wish you fooled me like the first time, just to not feel the pain,
but maybe the pain is worth what you make me feel;
I crave your touch and I crave your presence,
like I have never before,
who said its bad to break the rules?
not today, not in this case,
my pride; I can push it aside for a while,
all I want is your attention,
I really don’t care if you break my heart,
and for a moment,
the wrong isn’t so far from the right
to a point where I don’t know who I am
but I guess it’s good to get lost sometimes.

Other works by Marijose Marcos...
