Caricamento in corso...

Forbidden Fruits and Veggies

Did he taste that apple? Adam’s apple was it sweet?
Got stuck in your throat looks like you’ve had too much to eat!
I like to suck on our strawberries, they would taste quite nice,
But to suck on your chocolate, sweet honey and spice.
That sweet chocolate with your touch of honey,
May i taste your sweetness Mr. Bee, your long carrot Mr. Bunny?
Is that what it tastes like your juicy salty cucumber?
I’ll take that fruit juice any day to hydrate me.
Your burning hot Mr. Summer.
That’s how you make me feel, nice and hot,
Dig your roots inside of me.
Keep it right there, let it stay until it rots.
Look at my grapefruits, Aren’t they big and round?
Squeeze them and squish them,
They’ve been waiting for you all year round.
They say it’s healthy for you like tomatoes and fresh lettuce,
So let me slurp your juices and eat you up please honey let us.
I want to be your favorite treat forever and ever thyme,
So i can drink up and eat up your purple grapes turned into red wine.
Make me dream comes through, nightmares dis-ap-pear,
Just promise you wont destroy my garden
Handle it with great care!
Altre opere di D. Wright...
