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Collectible Plates

I’m so sorry
But I must donate
Your collectible plates
They are too fragile
Can’t be sold online
They might break
The coins got a decent sum
Seventy six dollars
Probably more than had
I drove into Houston
But dust gathers
On those collectible plates
And my allergies
They do really irritate
Images of proud natives
Or a family of bears
Brave tigers in a jungle
A Christmas affair
But I have no one
To give anything to
For when I die
Into the fire, consumed
No one to remember
The things that I have done
No one to care
When I no longer see the sun
I guess you never could
The unfathomable downward
Turns my existence would take
I’m so sorry
To the person who gave me
The collectible plates
Gone ten years now
Dead in the grave
So with sadness
Down the road I’ll drive
And say one tearful
Last final goodbye
The donation window
Where others say farewell
To things no longer needed
Like old broken toys
Or a pair of light dumbbells
Worn out records from needles
Books that no one will read
Magazines laden with mold
Lamps that shock when employed
Makes a sad impression forlorn
That the most angst ridden Artist in antiquity
Could never ever form
Like the final sad picture of three
The end of a proud family
A wild Matilda, behoven to
A couple lousy hooligan buddies
You tried
But it was too late
And, yes, I was neglected
I began to enjoy you coming home late
Even better a weekend away
So nothing could be repaired
No more hurt feelings to amend
Now all just bitter wasted years
Gathered in a trash bin
No need for me to decorate
My home is utterly desolate
I have no happy memories to share
Even if there was someone
Here who cared
About me
But the memories on plates
No longer can I hold on
For my useless life
Will soon also be gone
I’m so sorry
But I must donate
Your collectible plates

Altre opere di Matt Mayo...
