
Tinnitus post too long for Reddit

Sometimes I make accurate but harsh ( will it get better? No ) comments but I should say Tinnitus has ruined my life although I have “habituated” ( that does not mean cured )

Tinnitus has ruined
My relationships– I lost my last love of my life over a year ago, and the T was a major Aspect as throughout that relationship (2019-2023) I was in panic mode, afraid to leave the house, and specifically I declined to go on a cruise, where a long distance affair began ( coworker was everything I wasn’t ...concert goer) and now I’m alone probably for the rest of my life.

I have suffered through hypercausis to where the neighbor dog was as loud as a jack hammer.

Suffer irritating spikes when a dish clangs

I’ve heard all the tones possible I think.  No need to list them.

I have endured the frequent Acoustic trauma that comes with this and I have had three total since my T came on five years ago ...and they take 6-8 months to settle into a new baseline

So ..if you read this and one of my comments

1) I do get it.

2) don’t waste your money on any of these “cures.”. There never will be a “cure” for Tinnitus as it’s orgins are within the brain ...And there is a clear difference between brain Tinnitus and simple ear Tinnitus that goes away.

And Tinnitus is technically severe brain damage.  And brain damage cannot be repaired....

Tinnitus is constant PAIN. When my ex left me it was severe emotional and psychological..and even physical... pain that still endures

That pain will never go away... but in time hopefully I can go more days than not depressed or thinking about her....And Habituation is very much the same in practice....

I’m sorry you’re looking at this sub to begin with because it means you’re suffering, and I so wish you could get better.

Getting better will mean not thinking about your Tinnitus more than you do, and that takes a very long time.... assuming no set backs with trauma like I have had .. probably 2-10 years..

But it’s not like T is gone and never bothers you

And I’ll close with this.  Other people cannot understand your T and they will get irritated with it / think you’re crazy real fast.

If you have someone/anyone who is sticking by you through T... realize youre very lucky and hold onto that fact to help get u thru.

That, and normal noises like a hair dryer just won’t hurt you.

Dish clang. 48 hours spike. Music too loud...( Not concert level. Just small speaker living room level. A day. ) Thunder or super loud car. A week.  Acoustic trauma. 6-8 months.   Ugh.  Noises can and do hurt, sadly.

Other works by Matt Mayo...
