

inspired by the Rape of Nanking

The cries of foreign women cannot be heard from the desolate fields
Past atrocities cannot be fraudulent
Foreign massacres in the sacred kingdom of the Angelic
Neither pristine nor pure are these counterforces
Ancient idealists committing mass despoilation
No amnesty shall be rewarded for repents driven by guilty minds
Six weeks of affliction brought to the Eastern city
Fueled by ancient culture, fate of conquest or death
An enemy of the world will be a savior
Concluding demise and constructing a union within reach
Praise the foreign powers for saving high spirits but grieve for the macabre condoned over seas
No atonement will be rewarded or forgiven for the multiple days and nights of agony brought upon the Pure
All seats will be reserved for an excruciating service concluding with eternal frustration of the soul
Clear consciences will remain absent until demise
Black will fill the light, disposing the skies
Comfort will not be given for the relations of the savages in mourning; guilty by association
Contorted history left behind
Opening eyes for the ones once blind


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