

Lavish ceremonies welcome the absent minded pure
Yearning for a feast filled with impurities; sloth and lust
Trusting a new acquaintance to elicit a thoughtful, rich evening
Exiling the thought of a torture at hand
Carnage by account, the host wears a garment of sin and depravity
Fooled by the exquisite estate,
The conflicted being plans abduction
Not only of anatomy and substance, but of character
Character to be added to the externally beautiful widow
Taking life for granted... making one whole
Born to a gypsy life of eternal beauty
On a concurrent quest to take the form of a new life
Life born on the cleansing in the vital fluid of the afflicted
Mistaken invitation, the peasants often ponder the understanding for such an event
Unaware of the superiors motives, obtaining attributes, force surrendered by the insignificant individuals
Monstrosity of a mortal, royalty in truth
An abomination not at the hands of a man, but a woman
Collective murder for gratification of the body
A lie in all forms
Misguided by deception
Eventual execution upon discovery of such heinous crimes
Hooks containing flesh and tubs of plasma
All present at the hands of an insecure countess
A witch by definition in all her madness...

To the Countess Bathory

Other works by M Count...
