
A lit fire

The things we watch the stories we hear they seem far and few between. Especially with cable and satellite TV being so readily available and advanced compared to a century ago. They are parallel worlds to our own world. In America we see how all the countries look up to our innovation. Through astounding films like the Matrix, Titanic, and The Patriot but is there any truth to our political freedom getting taken away with the passing of the affordable care act, oil regulation, and the subsidization of electric cars but then socially the government is permitting life to be taken away as far as 9 months of age. Will the people see this and say "hey we are living in a matrix" we like the old laws and can t stand all these new ones. That limits innovation and social justice.

A lit fire
Puff in puff out
Exercising the mouth
Is this all your about
Or don’t you remember air
Do you really care
She says do you love the fragrance in the air
I do I do
I really don’t care
I’m a dog
For thinking she’d never be there
Should of stepped up back then
Instead of wanting so many friends
But I promise now in this life I care
You better Beware
that’s the way to lose a love
That’s the way to lose your air
She tells me
Trust my plan
I don’t want to leave you exhausted again
Get a good nights sleep
By the count of three we’ll be back together like pre-k living our dream
We will never go back to the days,
When you couldn’t keep up and always be in second place
And I can’t wait
For our very first date
Since the time we were saying those were the days
We have a long life ahead
That’s what she tells me
Well listen babe my heart is swelling
Can’t I see you for a little
Just to see your face
I might break down crying
Knowing I almost was erased
Only the lineage never leaves
That is our song
I guess I missed it again
This time we’ll be more then friends
Your as beautiful as you look like back then
In Israel playing pretend
That’s why they hated me
A carpenters son
With a wife that would give her right arm for the man that she loved
To show that khuba would win
We were in a little over our heads
We tried to save them again
But now we finally found our little friends
And this story I promise is going to end
Let go of me you say to me please
I look you in the eye
Can you shoot me a breeze
She says be patient
it s a new day
we’ll see how you act tomorrow
Will you run with the pack
Or will love make you shallow and hollow
I tell her you don’t believe me
I’m that hard to trust
Must of been the air in the room
All of that musk
If you love me
You wouldn’t let a poem like that
Get thrown in the dirt
Because that would really hurt my heart
And we’ll be forever gone
drifting oceans apart
If your scared of the dark
I invented a machine with love in its heart
Take a bite of this apple
Open your eyes
I promise you all the androids will suffer and die
Because we have one window
While they have to many to count
Blowing smoke in  and out without any return
You should know now for you how my love burns
That’s why I say you really shouldn’t mind
I’m just making orders and taking my time
The children of the sun have come
To have a little fun this time
I’m not worried about that
you shouldnt be either
you should see me move
when something is lit
Dad show her the news
I black out it’s legit
A real slinger for hire
And all my opponents that came are already retired
If your worried my machine won’t work
You have to have faith
Trinity please,
by 80 and half generations we’ll be on the brink
The children of the sun will have these machines extinct

In this poem the women speaking is the politicians, and the man pleading with them is the people mainly t(he house of representatives). The senate represents the love affair going on with the people, however the senate is worried things will go wrong in the hands of its truest lover.With that being said the Senate has not gone Republican in over a century. That's some food for thought. The two bodies come to some agreements to see if some agreements work out but mainly they are distracted by what is going on around them instead of really listening to the man, or the house. The metaphor between Android technology and apple technology doesn't mean one is better than the other.They both can be used to serve the people. It's simply a way to stoke the fire in competition. First we had Microsoft a very powerful monopoly. if you remember correctly Bill Gates was a ruthless partner that tried to castrate Apple when it was a young company.With the creation of the iPhone things changed, Still most of our Government networks are on Microsoft networks even though Apple networks are more secure, productive, and easier to prevent viruses. Don't believe me look it up.Why is this this important you ask because in time we start becoming more then just what we are buying, selling, and trading. The goods and services bias our thoughts and opinions. Secondly, we must be enlightened in our voting policies that comprehend ID and registry reform.It is inevitable and essential in protecting our electoral integrity. So think about these things as you read, the metaphor is thinking of a time were machines are so advanced they are simpler to use and ID and Registry will not be necessary. Our Minds will be so advanced we will be faster than any computer fathomable. The thought of the people will elect our electors. Can you imagine?


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