
Your Lovely Beautiful

Can our old times with the Arab nation survive. Will the shah of Iran come back to know that his bloodline was Jewish and Samaritan. Only time will tell, any ways it’s a book and movie I’m working on. The missing kind queen of Persia. They’ve been found in America, and Iran is finally happy to have them back after they faked the hostage crisis to get her parents out in 1979.

My bunny
Do you remember the days we’d run to the well
Nobody wanted you
But I didn’t care
I knew how you beautiful you were
Inside and out
You never dressed up for no one
Only a 12
All my family protected you
Because we didn’t care
Some of them betrayed us
Even a friend
I promise you never will you see him again
If you do don’t worry
He’s not really there
He’s alive and breathing without any air
Out of our blood line he’ll have to get saved
But when I tell a nephew the whole story
I don’t think he’s coming out of the grave
To know the truth about it
I laugh a little inside
To know that his father
Was almost killed 7 times
Trying to protect us all of his life
Lying to his son
To keep us alive
In the end the family that loves you
Will come to your side
The family that doesn’t
They will be vaporized
My bunny your fast but please don’t cry
I never would judge you
To keep you alive
I simply love you and all of our lives
We fought together and died side by side
Except for this time
There’s only so much love and forgiveness you have on your side
And after today
I know you want to cry
for me trying so hard
To keep him alive
Upset that my father was never his son
But getting to raise him
He hated too much
Despising the sun
Only to find out
He was his child all along
It’s a slap in the face he tried to kill his only grand son
And the oldest one has been in hiding
For far way too long
My princess my bunny why are you sad
It should be kind of funny
You should be kind of glad
Even my brother knows we belong at the top of the steeple
With his son in my arms
Love isn’t about blood
It’s about the love in your heart
Although I share mostly with him
He hates Mohammed
Because they never tried with their kids
Okay we made something greater
But who really cares
The devil loves to come in the room and suck up the air
To prove a point he is better
But no one will care
We have a spot in a swamp
And he’ll always be there
Tonight we will dine
I hope you are here
He’ll be just fine you’ll even like that he’s there
Only one of the chosen can save him
I don’t think that she’ll dare to know his true blooded grand daughter almost went up in air
I trade all the treasure of space
To know that I’m broke
Just to have you forever and be rid of this joke
This isn’t for show
I promise you princess
He’s no longer with his hand in control
Trying to kill off the chosen
And thought nobody knows
It’s funny because love always prevails
You can’t stop where it goes
It’s scary to think December is over
And my sister birthday is close
We have a feast for a queen

Contact me for info and footnotes. There is still more to this poem I haven’t posted for the reader but it is too good.

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