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Now you know my name

Riots in the streets the past couple of years in the USA, will there be civil unrest elsewhere. Chinas becoming the most powerful nation in the world.

Now you know my name
People who hate will never survive,
They can tell a deep sense of honor in the eye,
Eat there feeces for breakfast,
a fine and satisfying meal,
They roll the at the bottom of the ocean,
like an over angry eel,
cut the hate with steel,
peel the skull like a potato,
you can’t invade our people,
this aint a game of halo,
brains to jello,
but hello,
similar smiles to cry,
I slept through the coldest night and a black bear kept me warm,
to warn of you snitching quitting haters,
goodbye and welcome to the flood waters,
gotta feed you to the gators

This poem is one of my star poems in my opinion for the Life and Times of the 21st Century. Read further to see what it describes: The USA was prospering under President Donald Trump, the 44th president. He was a bit out there with his wild antics but he exposed what a lot of people call the swamp in Washington. In 2019, Covid hit the international scene and broke out against the World. Infecting over billions of people, and killing millions. Some blame China for the Outbreak, while real extremist said is was brought through by, I will not disclose the lab name for legal purposes, by Iran. Where it came from doesn't matter but what it did does. After coming off a very successful year, Trump was in a bind and had to close down the country in hopes to stop a pandemic, he pushed against it but Dr. Fauci was pretty much controlling the country with his medical knowledge, giving Trump information. Information that data now proves was wrong. Because of all this our economy suffered. The metaphor of a black bear kept me cold through the night is a correlation of a dark powerful thing we hold on to when we need to survive. That is oil. If it wasn't for the Trump drilling and stocking up oil, and using the stockpile to power the country we could have had worst numbers and more people would of died. Because of this extreme ideology, the left has literally went off the pendulum to the left, and currently under President Biden is fearful of getting into conflict with China or Iran. However, information now shows that Iran is still under control by the Mullahs of Iran and is not even a true theocracy. Israel is at war with Palestine and destroying the proxies set up after the Shah left. The personification of welcome to the flood waters is my opinion of what we should have already done to Iran destroy their oil infrastructure now because of the problems they have been creating in the middle east since the departure of the Shah. Feeding them to the gators simply means all the nations who are still struggling from the covid pandemic, especially Africa, can use that oil to stabilize infrastructure, economy, healthcare, and food in the continent.

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