Caricamento in corso...

Welcome to Heaven

Welcome to Heaven!
Your own little Hell.
Lost in the clouds!
Though it feels like you fell.
You hated the world,
Though you stayed a good boy.
But now that your here,
We hope it brings joy!
Dance on the clouds!
Sing with the choir!
This is paradise,
A reward rightfully aquired!
Why are you running?
To see again, the pearly gate?
Are you waiting for someone?
Do you think they came late?
Here, watch with me!
See them now,
See who they must be!
A sinner! Atrocious!
How she smiles with glee.
How wicked and evil,
That would surely not be me.
To Hell she will go,
No use waiting around.
What are you doing?
Why make that sound?
There is no crying here,
This is a place of happiness.
Im sorry, but as you know,
This is no place for naughtiness.
Why are you running again?
Oh, you surely must stop.
If you climb to high,
Your body will surely plop.
No! Climb down this instant!
No! Wrong side!
There are rules here,
For wich you don’t seem to abide.
Step back from there,
That is were Heaven ends!
And to those who fall,
Then to Hell the creator sends.
What do you mean,
That is what you want?
Than to Hell with you,
No need for horrid taunt.
One less angel now,
It would be a shame if she changed.
Than that act,
How it would surely seem deranged.
A shame to throw away wings,
To turn a good soul black.
A shame he is gone,
For there is no climbing back...


Doctor Seus style

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