Caricamento in corso...


.............DO IT NOW..............
Some decisions you should make:
Do it now.
Decide now, get off your break:
Do it now.
Sometimes we should make a choice,
Only then can we rejoice.
Life’s not to be played like toys:
Do it now.
Do you want to go to school?
Do it now.
You want to work with a tool?
Do it now.
Stop putting off everything,
Make that tape if you can sing,
Go buy that engagement ring.
Do it now.
Want to start a family?
Do it now.
Thinking to get a degree?
Do it now.
Or you want to travel wide,
Go on that ferris-wheel ride,
Make sure you kick out your pride?
Do it now.
Think it’s time to get married?
Do it now.
Want to pursue a good deed?
Do it now.
Go on and please your conscience,
And stop sitting on the fence;
A right decision makes sense.
Do it now.
Want to go undercover?
Do it now.
Want to dump that bad lover?
Do it now.
Your fate is right in your hands,
You can improve on your brands,
Go on and fight for your stands.
Do it now.
You may fail like once or twice:
Do it now.
But failure makes you get wise:
Do it now.
Time and tide waits for no one,
Just think that it is your turn.
Do what you must, and have fun:
Altre opere di Nicholas Bami Godwin...
