Caricamento in corso...

Broken ♥

Everything I think of you tears starts falling down and i wonder if you even care any more my heart is so shattered and it just can’t get over how bad you torn me up. I sometimes I wonder if you were worth me putting myself in that position.... I have made so many changes to be the person you wanted . You wanted me to be... you broke heart and now if I get into a new. Relationship I’m gonna hold against then what you did to me... Do I hate you not all I just wish you would. Have gave me a reason but I can stay as time goes on my wounds will heal and. You will be nothing but a lesson learned not to travel that road again. I thought our love was unbreakable but I guess that it was a big mistake.... I thank you for showing what kind of person you are... I’m just still heart broken but that won’t ever stop me. For. Being true to myself. I know at  the end of the day I can only count on myself.. I have had a very hard lesson. I hate you for. What you have done to me...

