Caricamento in corso...


She is lost within herself.
& She is no where to be found.
Save me from myself “she screamed”.
But no one knew how to help her.
They all just stared at her as she
Struggled, & screamed, & cried.
No one could help.
No one knew how.
Until this one person stepped up to Olive, while everyone else gasped.
The man reached down into his pocket, as the girl just looked at him.
He took out his gun & immediately pointed it at the girl.
The girl just stood there & nodded.
The guy said “rest in peace” & shot twice at the girl.
The girl just lay there.
& everyone clapped their hands at the man because he took care of the scary girl.
But the man just stared at the little girl.
Still stared as people stopped clapping.
Still stared when everyone left.
“This was the only release I could give you. I do hope you get some peace now”.
The man walked away, as a single tear ran down his face.


This is more like a story, but I thought it would be a good start to my poetry blog. ~
