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Apology letter: Dear Poetry

Never again will I leave you......
Thinking I could do life without you
I’ve known you since grade school….you’ve been forever faithful but it was I who I untrue
You knew every secret– you understood the “Jekyll and Hyde” in me
I gave you the best…..and I gave you the worst of me
And like the ink, as it soaks through the fabrics of this page…you’ve kept them concealed
And you’ve only allowed them to be viewed with my permission to be revealed
Never once did you judge me– you’ve always just patiently listened
As I confessed my mental and physical conditions– transformed into verbal and literary convictions
I know now that it is you…that I’ve been missing
Without you…even organizing my thought were impossible
My decision was illogical…I failed at life….I failed to “live”….I failed the obstacles
In desperate need of my therapy……..I plead with every stroke of this pen– with every line that I write– with every word that  I breathe….
Forgive me
In this world of  Kaos….you are the only thing that makes sense…..
In combination with the paper and pen
You and I together are the perfect blend
I can’t do life without you
Dear Poetry,
I will NEVER leave you again
Altre opere di Orga Niz Ed K Aos...
