#Americans #Blacks
They please me not—these solemn so… That hint of sermons covered up. 'T is true the world should heed i… But in a poem let me sup, Not simples brewed to cure or ease
Hyeah dat singin’ in de medders Whaih de folks is mekin’ hay? Wo’k is pretty middlin’ heavy Fu’ a man to be so gay. You kin tell dey 's somep’n specia…
When the bees are humming in the h… And the summer days are in their b… Then my love is deepest, oh, deare… When the bees are humming in the h… When the winds are moaning o’er th…
How’s a man to write a sonnet, can… How’s he going to weave the dim, p… When a—toddling on the floor Is the muse he must adore, And this muse he loves, not wisely…
A KNOCK is at her door, but she… Strange dews have washed the paint… She does not rise, but, ah, this f… And knows that he will find her al… So opens he the door, and with sof…
I THINK that though the clouds… That though the waves dash o’er th… Yet after while the light will com… And in calm waters safe at home The bark will anchor.
GOO’—BY, Jinks, I got to hump, Got to mek dis pony jump; See dat sun a—goin’ down 'N’ me a—foolin’ hyeah in town! Git up, Suke —go long!
THERE are no beaten paths to Gl… There are no rules to compass grea… Each for himself must cleave a pat… And press his own way forward in t… Smooth is the way to ease and calm…
W’EN de colo’ed ban’ comes ma’chi… Don’t you people stan’ daih starin… Ain’t dey playin’? Hip, hooray! Stir yo’ stumps an’ cleah de way, Fu’ de music dat dey mekin’ can’t…
It is as if a silver chord Were suddenly grown mute, And life’s song with its rhythm wa… Against a silver lute. It is as if a silence fell
Belated wanderer of the ways of sp… Lost in the chill of grim Novembe… Would I could read the message th… And find in it the antidote for pa… Does some sad spirit out beyond th…
_A Song_ Poor withered rose, she gave it me… Half in revenge and half in glee; Its petals not so pink by half As are her lips when curled to lau…
Dear Miss Lucy: I been t’inkin’… But dis writin’ 's mighty tejous,… But I 's got a little lesure, so… Fu’ to let you know my feelin’s si… I ‘s right well, I ’s glad to tel…
I’S a—gittin’ weary of de way dat… De folks dat’s got dey 'ligion in… Dey’s allus somep’n comin’ so de s… An’ hit tain’t no p’oposition fu’… Ef de sweet pertater fails us an’…
Over the hills and the valleys of… Slowly I take my way. Life is the night with its dream—v… Death is the waking at day. Down thro’ the dales and the bower…