#Americans #Blacks
THERE are no beaten paths to Gl… There are no rules to compass grea… Each for himself must cleave a pat… And press his own way forward in t… Smooth is the way to ease and calm…
Love of home, sublimest passion That the human heart can know! Changeless still, though fate and… Rise and fall and ebb and flow, To the glory of our nation,
IN de dead of night I sometimes, Git to t’inkin’ of de pas’ An’ de days w’en slavery helt me In my mis’ry —ha’d an’ fas’. Dough de time was mighty tryin’,
Bring me the livery of no other ma… I am my own to robe me at my pleas… Accepted rules to me disclose no t… What is the chief who shall my gar… No garb conventional but I 'll at…
Ah, love, my love is like a cry in… A long, loud cry to the empty sky, The cry of a man alone in the dese… With hands uplifted, with parching… Oh, rescue me, rescue me,
Pray why are you so bare, so bare, Oh, bough of the old oak—tree; And why, when I go through the sh… Runs a shudder over me? My leaves were green as the best,…
Whose little lady is you, chile, Whose little gal is you? What’s de use o’ kiver’n up yo’ fa… Chile, dat ain’t de way to do. Lemme see yo’ little eyes,
WHEN you and I were young, the d… Were filled with scent of pink and… And full of joy from dawn till clo… From morning’s mist till evening’s… And when the robin sung his song
OH the breeze is blowin’ balmy And the sun is in a haze; There’s a cloud jest givin’ coolne… To the laziest of days. There are crowds upon the lakeside…
EIGHT of 'em hyeah all tol’ an’… Dese eyes o’ mine is wringin’ wet; My haht’s a—achin’ ha’d an’ so’, De way hit nevah ached befo’; My soul’s a—pleadin’, 'Lawd give…
A LITTLE bird, with plumage bro… Beside my window flutters down, A moment chirps its little strain, Then taps upon my window—pane, And chirps again, and hops along,
Wen I git up in de mo’nin’ an’ de… Dey’s a kin’ o’ wa’nin’ shivah goe… Den I says to my ol’ ooman ez I w… 'Don’t you so’t o’ reckon, Lizy,… ‘Go on, man,’ my Lizy answah, 'yo…
DINAH stan’ befo’ de glass, Lookin’ moughty neat, An’ huh purty shadder sass At huh haid an’ feet. While she sasshay 'roun’ an’ bow,
GOOD hunting! —aye, good hunting… Wherever the forests call; But ever a heart beats hot with fe… And what of the birds that fall? Good hunting! —aye, good hunting,
COME away to dreamin’ town, Mandy Lou, Mandy Lou, Whaih de skies don’ nevah frown, Mandy Lou; Whaih de streets is paved with gol…