#Americans #Blacks #AmericanWriters
Summah night an’ sighin’ breeze, 'Long de lovah’s lane; Frien’ly, shadder—mekin’ trees, 'Long de lovah’s lane. White folks’ wo’k all done up gran…
When the bees are humming in the h… And the summer days are in their b… Then my love is deepest, oh, deare… When the bees are humming in the h… When the winds are moaning o’er th…
With sombre mien, the Evening gra… Comes nagging at the heels of Day… And driven faster and still faster Before the dusky—mantled Master, The light fades from her fearful e…
The gray of the sea, and the gray… A glimpse of the moon like a half—… The gleam on the waves and the lig… A thrill in my heart,—and—my sweet… She turned from the sea with a wom…
In the east the morning comes, Hear the rollin’ of the drums On the hill. But the heart that beat as they be… In the battle’s raging day heat
Storm and strife and stress, Lost in a wilderness, Groping to find a way, Forth to the haunts of day Sudden a vista peeps,
ALONG by the river of ruin They dally —the thoughtless ones, They dance and they dream By the side of the stream, As long as the river runs.
W’EN de colo’ed ban’ comes ma’chi… Don’t you people stan’ daih starin… Ain’t dey playin’? Hip, hooray! Stir yo’ stumps an’ cleah de way, Fu’ de music dat dey mekin’ can’t…
The Midnight wooed the Morning S… And prayed her: “Love come nearer… Your swinging coldly there afar To me but makes you dearer.” The Morning Star was pale with do…
YESTERDAY I held your hand, Reverently I pressed it, And its gentle yieldingness From my soul I blessed it. But to—day I sit alone,
This is to—day, a golden summer’s… And yet—and yet My vengeful soul will not forget The past, forever now forgot, you… From that half height where I had…
DEAR heart, good—night! Nay, list awhile that sweet voice… When the world is all so bright, And the sound of song sets the hea… Oh, love, it is not right—
Hyeah come Caesar Higgins, Don’t he think he 's fine? Look at dem new riggin’s Ain’t he tryin’ to shine? Got a standin’ collar
A cloud fell down from the heavens… And broke on the mountain’s brow; It scattered the dusky fragments All over the vale below. The moon and the stars were anxiou…
Air a—gittin’ cool an’ coolah, Frost a—comin’ in de night, Hicka’ nuts an’ wa’nuts fallin’, Possum keepin’ out o’ sight. Tu’key struttin’ in de ba’nya’d,