#AmericanWriters #BlackWriters
Thou arrant robber, Death! Couldst thou not find Some lesser one than he To rob of breath,— Some poorer mind
How sweet the music sounded That summer long ago, When you were by my side, love, To list its gentle flow. I saw your eyes a—shining,
THE rain streams down like harp—s… The wind, that world—old harpist,… And ever as he sings his low refra… He plays upon the harp—strings of…
Long time ago, we two set out, My soul and I. I know not why, For all our way was dim with doubt… I know not where
When I was young I longed for Lo… And held his glory far above All other earthly things. I cried… ‘Come, Love, dear Love, with me a… And with my subtlest art I wooed,
Kiss me, Miami, thou most constan… I love thee more for that thou cha… When Winter comes with frigid bla… Or when the blithesome Spring is… And Summer’s here with sunshine h…
OH, who would be sad tho’ the sky… And meadow and woodlands are empty… For softly and merrily now there c… The little white birds thro’ the w… The squirrel’s enjoying the rest o…
Dey was talkin’ in de cabin, dey w… But I listened kin’ o’ keerless,… An’ on Sunday, too, I noticed, de… Stan’in’ all erroun’ de roadside w… But I did n’t t’ink erbout it 'tw…
EF you’s only got de powah fe’ to… Keep ermong de people wid de whist… Ef you don’t, you’ll fin’ out sho’… In a place dat’s all a bed o’ this… 'Tain’t no use a—goin’ now, ez sho…
In this old garden, fair, I walk… Heart—charmed with all the beauty… The rich, luxuriant grasses’ cooli… The wall’s environ, ivy—decked and… The waving branches with the wind…
He sang of life, serenely sweet, With, now and then, a deeper note. From some high peak, nigh yet remo… He voiced the world’s absorbing be… He sang of love when earth was you…
HOME agin, an’ home to stay — Yes, it’s nice to be away. Plenty things to do an’ see, But the old place seems to me Jest about the proper thing.
They please me not—these solemn so… That hint of sermons covered up. 'T is true the world should heed i… But in a poem let me sup, Not simples brewed to cure or ease
I BE’N down in ole Kentucky Fur a week er two, an’ say, 'T wuz ez hard ez breakin’ oxen Fur to tear myse’f away. Allus argerin’ 'bout fren’ship
Summah 's nice, wif sun a—shinin’, Spring is good wif greens and gras… An’ dey 's some t’ings nice 'bout… Dough hit brings de freezin’ blas; But de time dat is de fines’,