#Americans #Blacks
OH, I des received a letter f’om… Oh, my; oh, my. She’s my lovely little sweetheart… Oh, my; oh, my. She writes me dat she loves me an’…
One night in my room, still and be… With will and with thought in ecli… I rested in sleep that was dreamle… When softly there fell on my lips A touch, as of lips that were pres…
Night is for sorrow and dawn is fo… Chasing the troubles that fret and… Darkness for sighing and daylight… Cheery and chaste the strain, hear… All the night through, though I m…
How sweet the music sounded That summer long ago, When you were by my side, love, To list its gentle flow. I saw your eyes a—shining,
TWO little boots all rough an’ wo… Two little boots! Laws, I’s kissed 'em times befo’, Dese little boots! Seems de toes a—peepin’ thoo
She gave a rose, And I kissed it and pressed it. I love her, she knows, And my action confessed it. She gave me a rose,
I like to hear of wealth and gold, And El Doradoes in their glory; I like for silks and satins bold To sweep and rustle through a stor… The nightingale is sweet of song;
SHE wrapped her soul in a lace of… With a prime deceit to pin it; And I thought I was gaining a fea… So I staked my soul to win it. We wed and parted on her complaint…
FU’ de peace o’ my eachin’ heels,… Don’ fiddle dat chune no mo’. Don’ you see how dat melody stuhs… An’ baigs me to tek to de flo’? You knows I’s a Christian, good a…
Ah me, it is cold and chill And the fire sobs low in the grate… While the wind rides by on the hil… And the logs crack sharp with hate… And she, she is cold and sad
How’s a man to write a sonnet, can… How’s he going to weave the dim, p… When a—toddling on the floor Is the muse he must adore, And this muse he loves, not wisely…
WHAT’S the use o’ folks a—frowni… When the way’s a little rough? Frowns lay out the road fur smilin… You’ll be wrinkled soon enough. What’s the use?
Prometheus stole from Heaven the… And swept to earth with it o’er la… He lit the vestal flames of poesy, Content, for this, to brave celest… Wroth were the gods, and with eter…
THERE are no beaten paths to Gl… There are no rules to compass grea… Each for himself must cleave a pat… And press his own way forward in t… Smooth is the way to ease and calm…
OUT in de night a sad bird moans, An’, oh, but hit’s moughty lonely; Times I kin sing, but mos’ I groa… Fu’ oh, but hit’s moughty lonely! Is you sleepin’ well dis evenin’,…