a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Todos
Ronel González Sánchez

RONEL GONZÁLEZ SÁNCHEZ (Holguín, Cuba, 4 de abril de 1971). Poeta, ensayista, investigador, escritor para niños, escritor radial, promotor cultural. Licenciado en Historia del Arte. Magister en Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario. Profesor Asistente. Ha publicado 43 libros. Ha obtenido numerosos premios nacionales e internacionales entre los que se destacan Premio en el Concurso Internacional de Poesía Nosside Caribe (Italia, 2000), Gran Premio en los géneros de poesía y cuento en el Primer Concurso Internacional de Literatura Infantil Los zapaticos de rosa convocado por la casa editorial Voces de Hoy de Miami en enero de 2012, Segundo Premio Internacional de Poesía Jaime Gil de Biedma de la ASEJE (Alcalá de Henares, 1996), Tercer Premio Concurso Internacional de la Revista Carta Lírica de Miami, 2000), finalista del III Premio Internacional de Poesía Márius Sampére (Barcelona, 2007), finalista del Premio Mundial Fernando Rielo de Poesía Mística (Madrid, 2007 y 2009), Premio Iberoamericano Cucalambé 2006, Premio Nacional Cucalambé en décima y en décima mural 1995, etc. Es autor, entre otros, de Desterrado de asombros (Letras Cubanas, 1997), Consumación de la utopía (Miami, 1999 y La Habana, 2005), La noche octosilábica; historia de la décima escrita en Holguín (1862-2003) (2004), Alegoría y transfiguración. La décima en Orígenes (2007), Árbol de la esperanza. Antología de décimas hispanoamericanas (2008) y Temida polisemia; Estudio de la obra del poeta cubano Delfín Prats (EUA, Black Diamond Editions, 2014) y de los volúmenes para niños: Un país increíble (1992), El Arca de No Sé (2001), Zoológico (2009), En compañía de adultos (Holguín, 2010 y Ed. El Barco Ebrio, Madrid, 2013), La enigmática historia de Doceleguas (2010), Relatos de Ninguna Parte (2013) y La honorable bruja Granuja del esqueleto embrujecido (2013). Su obra aparece en 62 antologías dentro y fuera de su país.

Sonya Ki Tomlinson

Namaste, Although I am now residing in sunny Florida, I grew up in Queens, New York. I am the eldest daughter of Jamaican, West Indian immigrants. We were a lively family, five siblings altogether with plenty of love and joviality to go around. From early on, I loved creating stories. My brothers and sisters also keenly enjoyed listening to them. But, being the natural artist, I preferred to retreat into the silence of my room surrounded by my dolls, where we would embark on all sorts of imaginative and adventurous tales. My siblings would listen with their ears glued to the bedroom door, occasionally a giggle of delight escaped from the other side of the door. This interest in story telling gradually metamorphosed into the art of penning poetry. Over the years I have written many poems. The fascinating thing about the imaginative process that I've observed, is that there seems to be some sort of bridge that connects us to the creative source. This is similar to what I experienced in my childhood, a quiet space within, beyond me where creative ideas flow endlessly. On another note, I am also an artist. But, LOL, all of my paintings tell a story too. My work is a visual and poetic diary of my spiritual journey. From the highest peaks in the Himalayas to many of the sacred ashrams in holy India I have been blessed with the opportunity to journey through that divine land eleven times. My spiritual quest began on June 6, 1970 with the birth of my daughter. During the birth I had an amazing out-of-body-experience which catapulted me out of ordinary three dimensional awareness into an astounding, metaphysical reality which I know survives and surpasses death, misery, joy, materialism and all that is dualistic and worldly. A space of being in which Pure Love, Life and Light exists Eternally. This event inspired me to explore the intriguing inner realms of Self through Yoga, Meditation, Rosicrucianism and other spiritually laden paths. I have written two books. The first, "Sai Rapture, The Ecstatic Journey of a Modern Day Gopi " portrays my spiritual journey. The second book, "108 Bhakti Kisses, The Ecstatic Poetry of a Modern Day Gopi" is a garland of poems celebrating the divine in everything.
