
Respect & Freedom to Use Cannabis’ Benefit

It is time cannabis users were treated better
Treated appropriately in a respectful manner
And not be subject to brutish enforcements
That are intrusive and are often humiliating
Cannabis users deserve decorum and grace
To be treated with true dignity in polite ways
Not to be hurt nor hassled by the authorities
To be arbitarily halted treated with suspicion
Endure bag searches and also strip searches
To have our houses raided and doors broken
To suffer intrusion of bad tempered uniforms
Possessions confiscated, books incinerated
Our medicine is taken and no receipt is given
Our civil liberties are curtailed and are abused
We are treated with scorn unworthy of rights
We do not have legal protection just indignity
Our consumer rights are nil and are ignored
We don’t have legal redress nor true equality
The peaceful cannabis user merits respect
We should not be subject to the law’s whim
We also deserve clarity of official tolerance
And our rights to medicate freely enshrined
Cannabis consumers deserves better vibes
Our cannabis tradition doesn’t harm anyone
We’re not a violent threat to society’s fabric
We should be free to enjoy cannabis’ benefit

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