Caricamento in corso...

It’s Not Our First Summer

Everyone will have a best summer of their life,
Even if they won’t know it at the time.
There will always be the promise of better ones ahead,
Even if they will never quite materialize.
Everyone also has a last summer on this earth,
Even if they are rarely, if ever, aware of when it is.
How could a best, or last, summer ever be fully enjoyed,
With the knowledge that it will never happen again?
The answer, in both cases, is that they can’t.
Maybe this will be our best, or perhaps even our last, summer
But we won’t know this, either way.
The best we can do is enjoy this summer
for what we know it to be: Here and Now.
It’s definitely not our first summer
but beyond that, who really knows?
Altre opere di R. Lincoln Harris...
