
No Joy in Wisconsin

The people of that northern state
That we all call “Wisconsin”
Have but only one desire
To see their beloved Pack win
If you’re near to Chicago or St. Paul
Or have never even seen Green Bay
Still, you root for the Green and Gold
That’s just the Wisconsin Way
The weather there was cold and night had come
Through the air the snow was blowing
The fans in Lambeau were feeling great
To the championship game they were going
So when a field goal attempt was blocked
By the Niners at the end of the half
Fans weren’t concerned, not even a bit
At halftime they all drank and laughed
But the offense went cold, along with the night
They never found the end zone again
Then the Niners blocked a punt and scored
The numbers on the scoreboard both read “ten”
And on a crucial third and long
The Packer defense chose to yield
A first down run which served to keep
The Niner’s offense on the field
Then in came Robbie Gould, a former Bear
Who knew everything about the Packers
He knew that their entire state
Are cheesehead-wearing backers
His kick sailed far into the night
And split those two uprights
And brought their season to an end
Causing some empty Wisconsin nights
Now Lambeau Field sits quiet
Forced into early hibernation
Thanks to Robbie’s Goulden dagger
That “other” Bay felt exhilaration.
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