Caricamento in corso...


I used to hate poetry
back in high school
because I could never
understand any of it
and I didn’t want my teachers
explaining anything to me.
But then, as time went by
and the COVID shutdown occurred
I needed something
other than binge-watching
to fill up all the time
that was newly on my hands.
Poetry filled the bill,
not because it was assigned to me
but because I wanted to read it
and it no longer bothered me
if I didn’t understand the point.
I discovered that
if I kept on reading
I could eventually find something
that actually made sense to me.
I never thought this could happen
but I’ll be forever grateful that it did.

This was written on a prompt from Rattle and titled with a Taylor Swift influence

#nationalpoetrymonth #poetry #torturedpoetry

Altre opere di R. Lincoln Harris...
