Caricamento in corso...

The language always matters

That the ear hears something
but the eyes and the brain can’t
sort it all out
will forever be
a problem for me.
“Your an idiot” claims abound
in the comments made on
TikTok videos.
Never mind that they usually
come from accounts
like "User459876534596043”
with three followers
and no content posted.
Social media trolls,
empowered by
the anonymity of being online
who somehow consider me
to be the stupid one.
Well if I’m an idiot, at least
I can tell the difference between
a contraction and a pronoun,
which is more than
most people online can do.
Don’t get me started
on “its” and “it’s”
or “there” and “their” (and “they’re”)
or even “then” and “than.”
And “could of”
“should of”
and “would of”
are the three horsemen
of the bad grammar apocalypse.
Do I make mistakes?
Of course I do.
I’m just as human
as anybody else.
But the difference,
between me
and so many others
is that at least
I stayed awake in
4th grade grammar class.

Texting only makes this worse, too.


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