
The condemned palace

Upon my entry, I was scared,
it was in bold,'CONDEMNED’,
being courageous, I still dared.
A dead crow on the barbwire,
but I had to go inside to
extinguish my curious fire.
It was an epitome of dullness,
old and shabby from end to end,
broken windows spoke of sadness.
On the suspicious full moon night
it looked as an age old palace
which was once, grand and bright.
The entrance was ferocious,
old inscriptions coverered the walls
of the staircase, broken and atrocious.
As I climbed up the stairs
my shoulders grew icy cold, but,
I kept my mind indulged in prayers.
There, was the infamous hall,
which was left deserted after
that doomed night of the fall.
There, stood the statue of the king,
songs of whose valour and bravery
his soldiers used to sing.
He was known for his wisdom,
witty he was, clever as well,
known as the god of his kingdom.
Behind all those appreciations,
was a demon similar to the
one, the Ramayana mentions.
A tyrant in his own house,
heartless he became at the
sight of his helpless spouse.
He forced her to marry him,
troubled her and hence, the
length of her life had trim.
The queen’s portrait on the wall
displayed the beauty of a maiden,
commended by one and all.
The lady had a fair, toned  skin
which could lighten up the palace,
dimmed due to the king’s sin.
Her hair was cocoa brown,
it was shiny as well, and
so was the royal crown.
Those eyes had lots to say
of the pain and misery, she
wouls suffer, night and day.
On the floor she would lie,
tortured till the very moment
she hanged herself to die.
Her soul prevails in the hall
and haunts the palace with
it’s melancholic, helpless call.


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