Caricamento in corso...

A Certain Smile

Tribute to Zoleka Mandela 9 April 1980 – 26 September 2023

When I reflect upon my ruined life,
Reduced to barren soil bestrewn by stone
Betrayed by jealous age and strafed by strife,
I rue the wrongs that in my mind make moan.
I mope and long for loves forever lost
And mourn the dreams that died the day they dawned.
I grieve the gifts God gave which then I tossed
Into the bin whose mouth wide open yawned.
Yet as I sit and hate my surly state
I recall you smiled like a seraph
As with your baby you did sweetly prate
While seeing same time a soaring cenotaph.
And when I saw your oh! so saintly smile
I cast away my woes and also smiled the while.

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Altre opere di Robert Henney...
