
Secret Earth

Earth of deep secrets, her engines beneath,
her lava flows, her deep-seated rage,
her moods waiting to explode at any time,
her pride flowing through her breasts,
her milk saturated with sugar and spice,
her effervescent veins stuffed with salt and riches,
her mother lodes hiding way down deep as
she clamps them down with metal clamps,
living her life of glamour and luxury,
hoarding everything for her stingy self,
keeping her secrets under lock and key,
her body an enigma only known to her,
her caves leading to another exotic cave,
a land darkened by the shade of diabolic wings,
engines cranking up the evil spirits
with satanic blood running through the cold,
and maternal demeanors,
and rivers of the angels,
saviors out of the fires.
high flying knights in brazen armor,
hands of the daughters of mercy
pushing up all that is good to the surface,
mothers carrying on the deeds of motherhood,
rising up through the skin of her earth,
praising the sun and the God that it is,
drinking in the rain and all that is good,
oh, mother of whimsical moods, mystery,
kindness, goodness, mercy, and beauty,
thou art indeed a capricious woman.

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